About us

The Narrow Aperture is all about photography and film making. We are different because our photographers believe in photography and film making for education, information and betterment of society, eliminating differences, resolving conflicts, bridging cultural and social gaps .

Led by At if who has passion for photography and documentaries, he is an ICT, marketing & journalism professional working in the field from past 10 years.

Some of the things which act as oxygen for our photographers are computers, gadgets, photography, cameras, new technologies, marketing, documentaries, film making, story telling, education, social work and helping others.

This website showcases some of At If’s photography, documentaries, ICT, marketing and other work and to share knowledge through videos, tutorials and behind the scenes of our projects.

At The Narrow Aperture, you will find some of best work from our photographers and also portfolios of some of most amazing fellow photographers & Models.